Former Enfield Highway Carnegie Library Building amid revitalisation

Enfield Council, working in partnership with the multi-professional Consultancy Practice, Pick Everard, have appointed us to provide Quality Site Inspection (Clerk of Works services) for the refurbishment and remodel of the former Enfield Highway Carnegie Library Building, in Enfield London, which has remained vacant for the last three years.

Our dedicated Clerk of Work is providing weekly site visits throughout the project, working closely with the on-site Contractors, inspecting and reporting on the Building works undertaken.

The remodelling and renovation of the facilities will be completed on a like-for-like basis of the Council service’s existing accommodation, except for the new hot-desk office space which has undergone a rationalisation to achieve 6/10 desk ratio. The building will provide a blend of private and public spaces with specific placement of conference rooms, meeting rooms, speech, language and art therapy rooms, assessment rooms, a clinic,  break out areas, Consultant offices and open place desk space across two floors,

Once completed, the building is set to be utilised by Enfield Council’s Integrated Learning Disabilities Services (ILDS). ILDS is a specialist and varied integrated health and social care service, offering secondary health care for people aged 16+ with complex learning and other associated disabilities and their carers. It is envisaged to be a place for a mixed need community – offering support, secondary healthcare and thriving peer support.

We provide a professional Quality Site Inspection services across the UK. Being part of Hickton Group – a multi-disciplinary Site Inspection company – who also provide Building Control and Energy Consultancy services through the Group’s portfolio of services.

To speak to us about Quality Site Inspection services, which range from Clerk of Works and NEC Supervisory services, through to Technical Reviews and Condition Surveys, please contact us on 01226 743959 or visit www.hicktonqualitycontrol.

To find out further information about Hickton Group, please visit

Hickton Quality Control

Unit 5, Old Building Yard
Cortworth Lane
S62 7SH


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