Cladding is the application of one material applied over another to provide a skin or layer offering a level of thermal insulation and weather resistance to the building and can be made of metal, brick, vinyl and composite materials. It is often used to improve the aesthetic look of a structure and is commonly used on high-rise buildings to give a modern appearance.
As a Quality Site Inspection consultancy, we are experiencing an increased demand for our specialist Clerks of Works to inspect both the existing cladding of tower blocks as well as new buildings that have cladding applied. Thorough checks are undertaken to ensure that cladding is fitted correctly and that errors are identified and resolved and that it complies with the latest industry standards. This will help provide additional confidence to both private and public sector clients.
Our service is benefitting both private clients and local authorities throughout the UK, who have a due diligence to replace cladding on all housing association-owned or managed, and local authority-owned tower blocks.
‘An example of our intervention recently was in the City of London on a high-rise office block where large cladding panels were “lifting-off” their fixings in danger of breaking away in strong winds and potentially causing serious injury by falling on pedestrians below. Our Clerk of Works intervened and on investigating this problem found that the window cleaning cradles were catching the bottom lip of the panels causing the fixings to loosen. The issue was resolved by having wheels incorporated on their cradles so they “rolled over” the panel, leaving them secure and potentially avoiding disastrous consequences with severe repercussions for the client.’
— Managing Director Tony Mobbs
We inspect the quality on a variety of construction projects providing a diverse range of Quality Inspection services spanning from traditional Clerk of Works services through to NEC Supervisory services; technical reviews; audit & coaching, condition surveys and approved inspection.
To talk to us about any cladding issues or concerns, or wider site inspection requirements, contact the team on 01226 743959.