As a leading Quality Site Inspection company that has been championing quality in construction for an array of clients for the last 28 years, we are pleased to announce that we are currently providing Clerk of Works services for the M&E elements on the newly constructed East Anglia ONE Onshore Substation for one of our newly appointed clients, DSSR – an award-winning international firm of consulting engineers.
Located in Burstall, near Bramford, Ipswich, the substation consists of 3 no. industrial buildings and the construction works are now complete with commissioning activities and testing underway.
All components for the substation are now in position and high voltage cabling installation has begun. Works are currently being carried out to connect ductwork between the new substation and existing national grid facility.
The project known as East Anglia ONE North is being developed by Scottish Power Renewables for their East Anglia Offshore Wind Turbine Facility and is expected to be fully operational in 2020. We have been on site working overseeing quality. Once completed it will connect the offshore wind turbines into the National Grid.
With offices in Barnsley, Chelmsford and Edinburgh, we work with nationwide teams to oversee and improve the quality of UK construction. We provide independent and thorough site inspections to proactively identify potential defects which may compromise quality.
For further details on other projects we have worked on nationally please visit our website