New School development for Kidbrooke Park Primary, London

Construction is well underway at Kellaway Road to create a contemporary two-storey building for Kidbrooke Park Primary School in London.

The £15m scheme for a new modern, sustainable building will accommodate 420 primary and 26 nursey pupils and it will have its own Behaviour Support Unit that can host up to 18 children. The landscaping to the external area will include a multi-use games area, with changing facilities.

The new two form entry school will replace the existing site at Hargood Road, which has become difficult to maintain cost effectively towards the end of its life span. The teachers and pupils will be relocating the short distance to Kellaway Road in September 2021.

Global design consultants, Arcadis, appointed us to supervise the quality of construction work throughout the building programme and to provide site Inspections and reports. Our Clerk of Works has been providing Site Inspection services during the current pandemic crisis observing the requirements of the risk assessments for working on site and adhering to social distancing measures  which includes attending virtual meetings with the construction team to provide regular updates on the progression.

“Works are progressing well and moving at a good pace. The Clerk of Works is continuing to monitor the scheme against the Employer’s Requirements and Contractor’s Proposals to ensure the Contractor is building in line with these. We are more so relying on the Clerk of Works to be our ‘eyes and ears on site’ during the challenging period of Covid-19. We are very pleased with the Site Inspection services that Hickton Quality Control is providing.”

Project Manager for Arcadis LLP, Mervin Cardoso

We provide a comprehensive range of quality control with Site Inspection services in accordance with Clerk of Works and/or NEC Supervisory services. We can provide technical reviews and condition surveys with the aim to improve the quality of UK construction for clients working nationwide. To speak to us about championing quality, please contact 01226 743959.

Hickton Quality Control

Unit 5, Old Building Yard
Cortworth Lane
S62 7SH


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